Tuesday 12 February 2013

What is a Race Queen?

What is a Race Queen?

Race queen is a Japanese term for a type of promotional model found as part of a pit crew in certain kinds of motor racing, such as F1 races. The equivalent British term is "Pit babe".


The first usage of promotional models in motor races was during the late 1960s when model Rosa Ogawa was brought in to represent the race winners. It was then that the term race queen was coined. Prior to that, women in motor races were mostly wives and girlfriends of drivers and staff, with the exception of some who were drivers.

In 1983, the sun tan lotion company Hawaiian Tropic sponsored the 24 Hours of Le Mans. The company brought its models over from the United States to appear on the racetrack before the race began. These models wore bikinis bearing the company's name. A year later, that practice was imported over to Japan for the Suzuka 8 Hours motorcycle race.


The official job of a race queen is to hold an umbrella over the driver while his car is being worked on. They generally wear some sort of revealing costume (mini-dress, leotard, hot pants, or the like), as well as pantyhose and high heels or knee-high boots.

Campaign girls in other countries are generally looked down upon as the occupation is regarded as "low profile" or disgraceful. However, in Japan, race queens have a higher profile and are regarded as idols varying only by the motor sport event they appear in.

The average age for these girls is late teens to early twenties and demand for them wanes with age. Some go on to become models or even actresses but those who are unable to leverage their career into something larger. It is not unusual for some of them to have a background in or a sideline career as a gravure idol.
Race queens who operate in prestigious events and with a large fanbase can also be found at automobile shows purely to draw crowds where they are nearly as important an attraction as the cars or electronics products that 

they are promoting.

There is a magazine dedicated to them called Gals Paradise.

Part of the Pit Crew

Officially, the job of a race queen is to hold an umbrella over a driver while he's in the pit getting his car worked on (hence 'umbrella girl'). Over time, though, race queens have become models and, in some countries, an important part of a racing team's image.

Race Queens Around the World

Race queens are the most popular in Japan, where they often achieve idol status and can go on to new careers as models or actresses when their career track-side is done. You'll also see 'racing models' and 'pretties' in other parts of Asia, and 'grid girls' and 'pit girls' in Europe. You're not likely to see many in America, though; they've been almost entirely banned due to allegations of sexism and their outfits being considered safety hazards in the pit.

In this blog will post race queens from South-Korea only. They are hot, sexy, beautiful and never make you feel bored. Let's Enjoy!




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